Roll and Slide into Health and Fitness!

Warm-up: Stand with board in hands above head. Rotate board in a circular motion above head clockwise and counterclockwise 4-6 times.

  1. Sliding Front Planks with Push-ups: Stand with board in hands, feet parallel and legs hip width apart. Slide board forward until you are in a push-up position with shoulders over wrists/hands, spine long and core engaged. Push-up. Bend knees and flex spine to pull/roll board back to starting position. Repeat.

  2. Single-legged Front Planks with or w/o Push-ups: Stand with board in hands, feet parallel and legs hip width apart. Slide board out into push-up position. Lift right leg into air and push up once. Place right leg back on board and bend knees to slide back to starting position. Repeat.

  3. Sliding Front Planks with Tucks: Start in a front plank position with feet on board, hands on ground with shoulders over hands, spine long and abdominals engaged. Slide board backwards 1-2 inches and pause. Now slide forward and flex spine into tucked position. Slide back to starting position and repeat.

  4. Sliding Front Planks with Pikes and Push-ups: Start in front plank position like in #3. Perform one push-up. Using abdominals, pull up into a piked, V-shape position, rolling feet in toward hands. Keep legs as straight as you can and relax neck. Slide back to starting position and repeat.

  5. Reverse Sliding Lunges: Stand with left foot on board, right foot on ground and hips square. Simultaneously bend right knee while sliding board/left foot straight back behind left butt cheek. Shift weight into front right foot, engage abdominals and roll/pull board back to starting position. Repeat.

  6. Sliding Abdominal Pull-backs: Sit on curb/step with hands next to hips and feet on board in front of you. Lift butt off curb and slide board forward about 6-10 inches. Engage and flex abs to pull board back past hips as far as you can. Reset and repeat.

  7. Sliding Half-Moon into Curtsy Squats/Lunges: Stand with left foot on board, right foot on ground and feet hip width apart. Roll board forward and across right leg in arc shape. Return to starting position. Now bend knees to roll board behind and across back of legs in circular motion. Keep torso long, abdominals engaged and hips square. Return to starting position and repeat. Change sides.

  8. Sliding Side Lunges: Stand with right foot on board, left foot on ground, feet parallel and hips square. Flex left knee and hip and slide board leg to right side. Engage abdominals and slide board/right leg back to starting position. Repeat for 6-10 reps and switch sides.

  9. Front Plank Single-legged Bicycles: Start in front plank position with left leg on board and right leg bent in the air, tucked under your torso. Simultaneously flex your spine and pull the board in toward your torso with your left leg and abdominals, while kicking your right leg back and up into the air. After you’ve completed your set, place your left hand on the ground below your left shoulder and twist your spine, reaching your right hand into the air to stretch shoulders and chest. Switch sides.

  10. Candle-stick Squats into Reverse Lunges: Stand with left foot on board, right foot on ground, feet parallel and hips square. Engage abdominals, keep back straight and slide left foot/board forward as far as you can, shifting most of your weight into your supporting right leg. Slide back to starting position and immediately slide left leg on board back into a reverse lunge. Return to starting position and repeat. Switch sides.

  11. Hamstring Bicycle Curls: Sit on curb or step with hands on curb near hips, left leg on board in front of you and right leg in the air. Keeping shoulders stable, lift body off step/curb. Simultaneously push and roll board forward with your left leg while bicycling or pulling your right leg in toward your body. Using left hamstrings, pull the board in toward body while lifting right leg into air. Repeat and then change sides.

  12. Hamstring Curls with Hip Lifts: Sit on curb/step with hands next to hips, right leg on board in front of you and left leg/foot in the air. Pressing into right foot, lift hips and left foot high into air while stabilizing shoulders and keeping hips square. Lower hips again and immediately slide/push the board forward with right leg while lifting left leg into air. Repeat and then switch sides.

  13. Traveling Front Planks: Start in front plank position with both feet on board, hands on ground, spine long and abdominals engaged. Keeping hips and core stable, legs straight, glutes tight and abdominals engaged, walk forward on hands as far as you can. Try walking backwards too! Go for 6-10 reps of each exercise. Keep abdominals engaged throughout and have FUN! Stay safe Friends! We'll get through this together.